Renewable Diesel is an alternative fuel for diesel and is produced from animal fats, Used Cooking Oil (UCO) and oils such as soybean or canola oil. The fuel produced is chemically identical and meets the characteristics of traditional diesel in terms of combustion, engine compatibility with lower emissions, allowing it to be used as a direct substitute or blended with petroleum diesel without requiring modifications to existing infrastructure or engines.

Renewable diesel can be produced through several technology pathways, each offering unique methods for converting feedstocks into hydrocarbon fuels. The most widely used method is traditional hydrotreating, where fats, oils, and greases are processed at elevated temperatures and pressures, utilizing a catalyst. Other pathways include pyrolysis, gasification, hydrothermal processing, biological sugar upgrading and catalytic sugar upgrading.

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cCarbon has mapped both the demand as well as supply of SAF to size the market. The research indicates that global SAF consumption in 2022 (as per offtake agreements) stood at 494 million litres.

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