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  • WCI Offsets Market Review & Outlook: Supply and Demand Dynamics After AB 398 | Insight Report | June 2020
WCI Offsets Market Review & Outlook: Supply and Demand Dynamics After AB 398 | Insight Report | June 2020
Monday, 1st June 2020

The offset program has proved one of the more contentious aspects of the WCI Cap-and-Trade market opening in California and Quebec. Compliance offsets have been used as a cost-containment measure for regulated entities, and as a means to drive to scale new environmental technologies. This report offers rich insight, telling data visualisations, and insider opinion regarding the dynamics in both supply and demand of the market history from 2013-2020. This report is also one of the first publicly available studies to comprehend and analyze the upcoming impact of AB398. The ruling will drastically alter the whole structure of the offsets market, potentially leaving out-of-state suppliers with an unsold excess of credits, and compliance entities with a shortage of in-state credits. This report will guide you through the extent of this change and highlight the lucrative opportunities emerging in this new market setting.

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