The WCI data suite compiles multiple data datasets on the California-Quebec Cap-and-trade program, which includes our flagship WCI 2030 pricing forecast scenario, our consistent >99% accurate emission forecast, daily price signals from multiple brokers and exchanges, insightful data on past auctions, the breakup of emissions across sectors, and much more.
Title | Market | Market Type | Type | Category | Lasd Updated | Frequency | Source |
AERCaiso_generation (CT_WCI_12415681) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 30/01/1900 | Monthly | CAISO |
CAISO-CO2 (CT_WCI_56061954) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Data | Daily | CAISO | |
Canada GHG Inventory (CT_WCI_61988979) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 08/02/2024 | Annual | Government of Canada |
CFTC_Data_Table (CT_WCI_39772201) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Data | Weekly | CFTC | |
Cooling Days California (CT_WCI_97449117) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Data | 30/01/1900 | Monthly | OEHHA |
Electric Net Generation_eia (CT_WCI_12406870) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Data | 20/01/1900 | Monthly | EIA |
US Yield Rates (CT_WCI_61670511) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | Daily | US Dept of Treasury | |
CA_WCI Broker Front and Benchmark (CT_WCI_57838379) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | QueryTable | Price | 29/01/1900 | Daily | Proprietary Data Partners |
CA_WCI Crude Prod (CT_WCI_38876537) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI FF Gen Historical Imports - dataset (CT_WCI_38878300) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 21/01/1900 | Annual | California Energy Commission |
CA_WCI Fuels MVF Sales Annual- dataset (CT_WCI_41943637) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 30/01/1900 | Monthly | California Department of Tax and Fee Administration |
CA_WCI Hydrogen Refueling Stations by City - datase (CT_WCI_39045004) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 07/05/2024 | Quarterly | California Energy Commission |
CA_WCI Nat Gas Prod (CT_WCI_38876579) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI Natural Gas Gross Withdrawals - dataset (CT_WCI_42075080) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI Natural Gas Total Distribution - dataset (CT_WCI_39504181) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI Refinery Capacity distribution - dataset (CT_WCI_39030059) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 13/01/1900 | Quarterly | California Energy Commission |
California_CITSS) (CT_WCI_56285415) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Data | 07/05/2024 | Quarterly | CARB |
Canada Manufacturing sales (CT_WCI_97449301) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 30/01/1900 | Monthly | Statistics Canada |
CARB Compliance Report - WCI (CT_WCI_57994285) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Data | 14/01/1900 | Annual | CARB |
Compiled Compliance Report (WCI) (CT_WCI_56613904) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 13/01/1900 | Quarterly | CARB |
GHG Data California 2011-2022 (CT_WCI_49797455) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 24/01/1900 | Annual | CARB |
Heating days California (CT_WCI_97449164) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 30/01/1900 | Monthly | Government of California |
NACMR Offset Deficit Data (CT_WCI_53290070) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | cCarbon |
Oil and Gas Field Production (CT_WCI_97208321) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 27/01/1900 | Monthly | Energy Information Administration |
QC_WCI Crude Runs (CT_WCI_39573314) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Canada Energy Regulator |
QC_WCI Fuel Sales Historical - dataset (CT_WCI_38876621) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 28/01/1900 | Annual | Statistics Canada |
QC_WCI GDP (CT_WCI_38876487) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 16/01/1900 | Annual | Statistics Canada |
QC_WCI Natural Gas Distribution - dataset (CT_WCI_38876671) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 30/01/1900 | Monthly | Statistics Canada |
Quebec Emitters (CT_WCI_57838518) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 18/01/1900 | Annual | Government of Quebec |
Quebec Gasoline Prices (CT_WCI_97449419) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 30/01/1900 | Monthly | Statistics Canada |
Quebec GHG Fuel Emissions (CT_WCI_57830990) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 13/01/1900 | Annual | Government of Quebec |
Quebec Retail Sales (CT_WCI_97449598) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 30/01/1900 | Monthly | Government of Canada |
Refinery Input and Output (CT_WCI_97208195) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | Weekly | California Energy Commission | |
Scenario Attribute Allowances Price (CT_WCI_61493186) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | QueryTable | Forecast | 23/01/1900 | Annual | cCarbon |
VMT (CT_WCI_00122523) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 07/12/2024 | Monthly | Proprietary Data Partners |
WCI Auction Participation (CT_WCI_39734278) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market Variable | 22/01/1900 | Quarterly | CARB |
WCI CARB Compliance Surrender (CT_WCI_59708351) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | QueryTable | Market Variable | 07/05/2024 | Annual | CARB |
WCI CFTC Data (CT_WCI_39766903) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | QueryTable | Market Variable | Weekly | CFTC | |
WCI Compiled Compliance Report (CT_WCI_59924073) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | QueryTable | Market Variable | 13/01/1900 | Quarterly | CARB |
WCI Emission Forecast 2024 (CT_WCI_54138383) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | QueryTable | Forecast | 23/01/1900 | Quarterly | cCarbon |
WCI Emissions Query (CT_WCI_56753599) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | QueryTable | Market Variable | 07/05/2024 | Annual | CARB |
WCI Entity Type (CT_WCI_56724736) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market Variable | 08/02/2024 | Annual | cCarbon |
WCI Facility Emissions (New) (CT_WCI_39096532) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market Variable | 14/01/1900 | Annual | CARB |
WCI Futures Curves - Across time - dataset (CT_WCI_57905884) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | QueryTable | Market Variable | 30/01/1900 | Daily | Proprietary Data Partners |
WCI Total Supply Query (CT_WCI_53913677) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | QueryTable | Market Variable | 25/01/1900 | Fortnightly | CARB |
WCI_Advanced_Auction (CT_WCI_50529060) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 06/06/2024 | Quarterly | CARB |
WCI_Allocation_California Industry Sectors Free Allocation (CT_WCI_43118606) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 13/01/1900 | Annual | CARB |
WCI_Current_Auction (CT_WCI_50529246) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Market variable | 06/06/2024 | Quarterly | CARB |
WCI_Monthly Emission Data (CT_WCI_00124179) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | Table | Forecast | 23/01/1900 | Monthly | cCarbon |
Available Remaining DEBs and NonDEBs CCOs by Project Type | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 28/01/1900 | Quarterly | ACR, CAR |
CA_WCI Annual Crude Oil Production | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI Crude Oil Production % Change MoM | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Annual | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI Crude Prod Historical Annual | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI Crude Prod Seasonal Variation | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Annual | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI FF Gen Historical Imports | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 21/01/1900 | Annual | California Energy Commission |
CA_WCI Fuel MVF Sales Annual | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 30/01/1900 | Monthly | California Department of Tax and Fee Administration |
CA_WCI Fuels Diesel Sales | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 30/01/1900 | Monthly | California Department of Tax and Fee Administration |
CA_WCI Hydrogen Refueling Stations by City | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 07/05/2024 | Quarterly | California Energy Commission |
CA_WCI Major Sources of Crude Supplied Visual | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 14/01/1900 | Annual | CARB |
CA_WCI Nat Gas Marketed Prod seasonal variation | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI Natural Gas Distribution Annual - industrial customers | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Annual | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI Natural Gas Distribution Industrial Customers | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI Natural Gas Distribution Residential Customers | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI Natural Gas Distribution Vehicle Fuel | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI Natural Gas Gross Withdrawals Seasonal | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI Natural Gas Total Distribution | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI Refineries Top 5 Emitters | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 14/01/1900 | Annual | CARB |
CA_WCI Refinery Capacity distribution | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 13/01/1900 | Monthly | California Energy Commission |
CA_WCI Total Gasoline retail Sales from Refiners | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 24/01/1900 | Annual | Energy Information Administration |
CA_WCI Total Gasoline Sales %Change MoM | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 24/01/1900 | Annual | Energy Information Administration |
CCA Broker Front & Benchmark | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Price | 29/01/1900 | Daily | Proprietary Data Partners |
CCO issuance by Project Type (Debs vs Non-Debs) | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 28/01/1900 | Quarterly | ACR, CAR |
CCO Quarterly Pricing - Non-DEB / Combined | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Price | 29/01/1900 | Quarterly | Proprietary Data Partners |
QC_WCI Annual Crude Runs | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Canada Energy Regulator |
QC_WCI Crude Oil Runs | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 07/01/2024 | Monthly | Canada Energy Regulator |
QC_WCI Fuel Sales Historical | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 28/01/1900 | Annual | Statistics Canada |
QC_WCI GDP Historical | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 16/01/1900 | Annual | Statistics Canada |
QC_WCI Natural Gas Distribution Commercial Customers MoM | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 30/01/1900 | Monthly | Statistics Canada |
QC_WCI Natural Gas Distribution Industrial Customers | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 30/01/1900 | Monthly | Statistics Canada |
QC_WCI Natural Gas Distribution Residential Customers% Change MoM | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 30/01/1900 | Monthly | Statistics Canada |
QC_WCI Pop. 2020 by Age groups | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 29/01/1900 | Annual | Statistics Canada |
QC_WCI Population Forecast 2045 | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 16/01/1900 | Annual | Statistics Canada |
WCI All Cap and Trade Front Brokers Average | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Price | 29/01/1900 | Daily | Proprietary Data Partners |
WCI_Allocation_Absolute Allowances | Cap and Trade | WCI CaT | View | Market variable | 13/01/1900 | Annual | CARB |
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